12 Aug 2022
A project sugested in DevProjects by Codementor that consists of a Slack Bot that sends reminders for drinking water periodically.
This project uses the Slack API and it was written in Ruby. Sidekiq was used to schedule jobs for sending the reminder messages. Finally, Docker Compose is used to setup all the necessary containers to run locally.
The code can be found here.
Slack Modal that opens up when /slack_water
is called:

An example of reminder that is sent by the Bot:

17 Sep 2021
The fourth project of Robert Heaton’s series Programming Projects For Advanced Beginners.
Writen in Ruby, this project turns a picture into a photomosaics made of other smaller images. The Minimagick gem was used for image processing.
The Git repository for this project can be found here.
Original Image |
Photomosaics |
29 Aug 2021
Another project inspired by Robert Heaton’s series of Programming Projects For Advanced Beginners.
The code is written in JavaScript and uses Node Canvas for image generation and GraphicsMagick for GIF generation. The Git repository for this project can be found here.
Conway’s Game of Life follows four simple rules:
Any live cell with 0 or 1 live neighbors becomes dead, because of underpopulation
Any live cell with 2 or 3 live neighbors stays alive, because its neighborhood is just right
Any live cell with more than 3 live neighbors becomes dead, because of overpopulation
Any dead cell with exactly 3 live neighbors becomes alive, by reproduction
An example of the Game of Life:

27 Aug 2021
A simple project that converts images into ASCII art, inspired by Robert Heaton’s series of Programming Projects For Advanced Beginners.
This project was written in Python and uses Pillow as the image processing library. Here is the code.
Original Image |
ASCII Image |